Cycling Sportive Products

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Looking for Cycling Sportive Products?

You have a cycling sportive to organize? You have lots of work to do to make it a success. We know -we have been there.

What you need is someone to help make it easy. StuckOn can provide you with all the numbered customized sportive stickers to make your event a success.

  • Numbered Seat post stickers to go under the saddle to identify participants

  • Helmet stickers for access control to food stops etc

  • Wristbands for access control and to show that the cyclist has paid to enter.

Tell us what you need and we will help.

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Why Choose Us


We take great pride in providing the very best cycling and triathlon products and unrivalled customer service

Custom Products

Is there something you need for an event or other business application?  We can customise our labels and products to suit your needs.  Talk to us we would love to help.

Excellent Quality

We know that our stickers have to be very durable and able to withstand wear and tear. That is why we only use the highest quality materials and inks

Family Business

StuckOn is a family business.  Family businesses are the cornerstone of the economy.  Over 95% of our suppliers are Irish.

Excellent 4.8 out of 5

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